Casa Rosina/Ferro Antico / Interior Designer in Santa Fe, New Mexico

For the past 20 years, we have been designing and hand crafting furniture for our discerning clientele. Our custom creations embellish homes from California to New York City. We specialize in Spanish, Italian and Contemporary styles.

As a complement to our custom furniture line, we created Ferro Antico, which is our lighting business. We design and hand craft, in our own shop, wrought iron lighting, which includes chandeliers, exterior and interior wall sconces and pendants. We have beautiful lighting solutions in wrought iron for evey room of your home.
Our Showroom displays an array of unique lighting, created by us, as well as vintage lighting.

Visit our store, Casa Rosina and peruse our collection of antiques and wrought iron lighting at 1925 Rosina St., A, Santa Fe, NM 87505


Accessorizing Art Contemporary Custom Cabinetry Design Custom Furniture Custom Home Furnishings Faux Painting Furniture High End Residential Kitchen Design Lighting New Construction Outdoor Furniture & Fabrics Transitional And Mediterranean Designs
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