Perfect Papering & Painting / Interior Designer in Mendham, New Jersey

Creative traditional and non-traditional painting and surface embellishments of all interior surfaces such as walls, ceilings, floors, molding, trim, structural architecture. Application of all brands, types, and grades of paper and wall coverings, including limited production hand-made exotic and leafed papers, rice papers, textured papers, metallic foils, bark, grass cloth, fabrics, leather/suede, pressed leaves and flowers, decoupage, etc.


Art As Seen In NJ Design Magazine. Contemporary Custom Home Furnishings Faux Painting High End Residential Historic Preservation Interior Trim & Moulding Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Murals New Construction Renovation & Remodeling Room Re-Designs Stenciled Walls And Floors Thematic Design Tuscan Plaster Upholstered Walls Wallpapering
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